Tax Division


It assists mainly companies with the traditional tax auditing. In this division we find, among others, the study of Taxation Strategies that allow business people to plan the taxation variable in such a way that the impact is the least possible. This would be completely legal according to the taxation legislation in force.
Other services offered by this Division:

  • Phone Taxing Guidance
  • Permanent Taxing Guidance
  • Specific Taxing Guidance
  • Taxing Auditing to Companies and Natural Persons.
  • Taxation Diagnosis
  • Taxation Formalities Guidance
  • National and International Taxation Planning.
  • Salary Taxation Planning.
  • Taxing Franchise Study (Duty Free, Exporter Taxation Incentive, Special Regimes for Forest and Mining Companies, etc.)
  • Taxation Impact Analysis for Project Evaluation in National as well as Foreign Companies.
  • Foreign Investment Guidance (D.L. 600, Chapter XIV from the Exchanging Rules Abstract and others.)
  • Complaints and Taxation Trials Guidance in the different process stages in the Internal Taxation Service (Servicio de Impuestos Internos) as well as the Higher Judicial Courts (Tribunales Superiores de Justicia).
  • Assistance in the creation of different judicial structure companies.
  • Internal Control Proceeding Fixing in keeping with the fulfillment of the Taxation Legislation.
  • Internal Taxing Control System Evaluation.
  • Company Annual Taxation Result Preparation from the Taxation Utility Fund (Fondo de Utilidades Tributarias, F.U.T.) and the Annual Income Taxation Statement for the Legal Entity as well as the owners.
  • Company Internal Taxation Proceeding Follow-up, with periodic reports about deviation detection and adjustment suggestions to avoid taxation risk.
  • Permanent Income, cost and benefit state observation to fit the chosen judicial structure and avoid taxation impact because of a non appropriate adjustment to legal changes.